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Web design and development news plus digital marketing tips to help you continue doing more with your website.

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Understanding and Maximizing Your On-Page SEO

On-page SEO, or on-site SEO, refers to optimizing individual web pages to help them rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. This involves optimizing both the content and the HTML source code of a page. As we move further into 2024, the landscape of on-page SEO continues to evolve with new trends, […]

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console: A Comprehensive Guide

In the online world, where information is abundant and search engines hold the key, Google Search Console is a crucial tool for website owners, marketing professionals, and SEO enthusiasts. This free platform allows you to analyze, optimize, and enhance your website’s visibility in Google’s search results. Join us as we explore the core of Google […]

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Google search algorithm

Everything You Need To Know About Google’s August 2023 Core Updates

Anytime Google makes changes to its algorithm, website owners feel anxiety as they wait to see how it will affect their website rankings. In the dynamic world of digital marketing, it’s critical to stay in step with Google’s algorithmic shifts – and the recent August 2023 Core Update was no different.   What is a […]

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Google My Business

Critical Local SEO Updates To Ensure Your Website Isn’t Lost In The Crowd

Local SEO helps businesses improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant local searches, which can lead to more website traffic, more leads, and more sales. It’s a need-to-have in the digital landscape. When your website is well-optimized, you’re able to achieve higher visibility in search results when someone is looking for […]

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SEO - Paid vs Organic Traffic

Organic vs. Paid Marketing: Why Use Both In Your 2022 Marketing Plan

Employing the right methods to target, reach, engage, and convert audiences is paramount to your business growth. With the myriad of online platforms consumers use nowadays, it can be challenging to determine where, when, and how to use the many digital marketing tools available at your fingertips. And with all digital marketing strategies ultimately falling […]

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SEO - Topical Authority

An Introduction To Using Topical Authority To Boost SEO

Topical authority takes a narrow approach to SEO. This revolutionary approach distances itself from the broad and sweeping SEO strategies of the past. Instead, as the name implies, a website strives to be the true ‘authority’ on a specific, niche topic. And we all know that Google loves authority. Topical authority seems deceptively simple on […]

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Optimize for Voice Search

How To Optimize Content For Voice Search

Over the past decade, voice search has exploded onto the digital space, and its impact is only growing. Including voice search optimization in our existing SEO strategies has become a necessity, rather than an option. Voice recognition is constantly improving and nearing 100% accuracy, and people are now comfortable asking questions and making demands of […]

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SEO Services

3 Crucial SEO Myths to Watch for in 2019

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing topic that has been shrouded in mystery for as long as it has been around. Businesses know that SEO is important, but they often struggle to understand it and to keep up with SEO trends. PixelPeople specializes in SEO for custom websites, so we see first […]

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Knowledge Sharing through Content Marketing

3 Tips for Growing Your Business through Knowledge Sharing

How often do you agree to buy a product or service from a business you know nothing about? Likely, it’s important for you to research, explore, and understand where your money is going before you buy. It’s no different for your potential customers. So one way for your business to connect with potential customers is […]

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Website Maintenance

3 Essential Website Tasks You May Be Neglecting

Your website is the forefront of your business. Do you give it the attention it deserves? All websites require regular maintenance in three key areas to ensure they’re performing their best. Unfortunately, backend upkeep is not immediately obvious to your website visitors. As a result, it’s often ignored. We want to share the reasons why […]

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Website Optimization

5 Practical Suggestions to Strengthen Your Website & Data

Your website is an ongoing project. It’s not a task to check off, but instead a tool to regularly optimize. If your website is difficult to navigate, not secure, or not optimized for SEO, then you’re not putting your best foot forward. Endless competition exists online, so be sure you keep up with industry standards […]

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SEO Agency PixelPeople

10 Quick and Valuable Tips for Better SEO

Optimizing your website’s SEO is powerful for many reasons. Any business can influence its organic (unpaid) search engine visibility based on audience searches and website content. While SEO may feel complex, you should not ignore it as part of your marketing strategy. With marketing, you put a message out that hopefully reaches your target audience–but […]

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