If you’re ready to launch a new website for your business, but aren’t sure where to start, one key consideration is whether to hire a web development agency. While it costs more to have a custom site created, the business outcome can be well worth the investment. But how can you tell which website development agency is right for you? And where should you get started to ensure you get the most out of your resources? Read on to know what to consider when making this big decision for your business.
What are the Functional Needs of the Website?
In other words, what does your website need to do for your business? Consider your industry and the primary use of your website. Ask a few critical questions to better gauge the goal and business impact. How custom does your website need to be? Determine specific features you may want to have added, and the ‘why’ behind those features. Look to potential agency partners for input on what web platform might be best for you. Several options exist, each with/news/focus-your-w its own benefits and drawbacks. After you have more clarity around your website needs, ask to view a portfolio of past work. This helps you ensure the agency you decide to work with has professional and relevant experience.
Outline Expected Ways of Working
Beyond the site build, inquire about how each agency works. Try to understand what the project will look like, how you’ll be involved, and what reviews and approvals are included. When you’re doing research on types of agency partners, inquire about the feedback process. For example, how many iterations will be allowed, and at what specific points will feedback cycles take place? If this isn’t clear from the get-go, it could lead to expensive and time-consuming changes. Strategic feedback done right is a lot of work and requires planning, but it’s worth the effort. How will feedback be collected and shared? Is this something your team needs to manage? Look to your agency partner for guidance–they should have a set process to guide you along the way.
What Resources Do You Have Available?
Know the resources you’re able to contribute to your web project before you get started. An agency partner should offer a free website consultation so you understand what to expect before you begin a project. What is your budget? How much time do you have to dedicate to a website project vs. how much will you require the project to be fully managed by your agency partner? This can affect the overall cost. You may have in-house support (such as a graphic designer, marketing, or tech support) that can provide additional value and guidance; be sure to include them in the conversation. Don’t forget about the supporting assets and tools you’ll need for your website, like strong branding and data best practices. Have a plan for content creation. You’ll need website copy, photos, and video assets, plus your ongoing content requirements for SEO purposes and social media. Finally, don’t forget about website maintenance, or you’ll be risking downtime and potential security threats.
Finding the right web development agency partner can make or break your website project. It’s a big undertaking to do a website the right way, so set yourself up for success from the get-go.
If you want to learn more about working with PixelPeople for custom website design and development, please reach out. We’d love to help.