Nearly every brand has a mobile app these days. But consumers don’t want hundreds of apps cluttering their smartphones. At the same time, consumers want speed, reliability, and functionality when they visit a website – regardless of whether they visit it from their smartphone, tablet, or desktop browser. While we have historically facilitated that transition and user experience via responsive web design, the newest kids on the block are progressive web apps (PWAs).
Let’s talk PWAs and see what the big deal is.
Websites vs. Web Apps vs. Native Apps vs. Progressive Web Apps
In order to understand what a PWA is, it’s helpful to define all the major players in this space:
Websites – A website is generally informational in nature. At its most basic level, there isn’t a lot of interactivity and functionality on a website. However, as forms, shopping carts, live chats, calculators, videos, surveys, maps, and other interactive features are added to a website, they evolve into a web app. and are examples of websites.
Web Apps – A web app adds more functionality and capabilities. It’s an application that opens in an internet browser (window or tab) and allows you to do something, like shop, send emails, or write a thesis statement. Don’t let the word ‘app’ be confusing, though. You don’t have to download anything, and they don’t take up any storage space on your device.
Web apps can be used from any browser on any device, so their real value is reach. However, you must have internet to use them, and the user experience may suffer if they weren’t built to be responsive on mobile devices. Groupon, Yahoo! Mail, and Google Docs are examples of web apps.
Native Mobile Apps – A native app is an app built for a specific device and operating system. Mobile apps built for iOS and Android are examples of native apps, and Groupon, Yahoo! Mail, and Google Docs all have native apps built for these operating systems. Native apps must be downloaded to your smartphone or tablet, so they take up space on your device.
Some native apps, especially in the gaming category, do not need internet or data to work. Others, like Netflix and Apple Podcasts, allow you to download content and access it offline. Native apps excel over web apps in the capabilities department. They can include features like geolocation to help you find nearby services, and they can integrate with your phone to complete tasks (i.e. using your phone’s contacts to find friends on Snapchat).
Progressive Web Apps – PWAs combine the best of web apps and native mobile apps. They load incredibly fast and can be accessed from any browser on any device, so they have the reach of standard web apps. Unlike a lot of native mobile apps, PWAs can be used without an internet connection, thanks to the application cache feature that allows large volumes of data to be stored offline.
When it comes to capabilities, PWAs can be programmed to look, feel, and function almost identically to a native app. Features such as geolocation, QR code reading, camera integration, SMS messaging, push notifications, and more create an engaging user experience and all the functionality you would expect from an independent mobile app on your phone.
Some PWAs are even installable. While that wouldn’t make sense on a phone, on desktop an installed PWA is shown on the OS launch surface (i.e. desktop, homescreen, start menu, application folder, shelf, or taskbar). This makes the apps easier to find and top of mind to keep users coming back to them.
Best of all, PWAs are relatively easy to program compared to mobile apps. They use the same technology many developers are already good and comfy with, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Brands that do PWAs well include Spotify, Starbucks, Pinterest, and Yummly. (<- download their mobile apps then visit their websites on a desktop and mobile device and check out the seamless user experience for yourself!).
PixelPeople Can Help You Develop A PWA
Looking for a versatile way to provide a website and mobile app experience to customers in one tidy solution? Let’s talk PWAs! Contact PixelPeople to learn more about our progressive web app development services.