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Website Maintenance

5 Benefits of Professional Website Maintenance Services

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It’s no secret that a well-maintained website is essential for any business that wants to succeed online. As websites continue to grow more sophisticated and complex, maintaining your website can become a bothersome or intimidating task that many website owners put off. But by entrusting your website maintenance to an experienced agency, you can rest assured that your site will be performing at its best at all times. What’s more, a professional website maintenance program can offer monitoring & reporting features that add great value to the process. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should invest in a professional website maintenance service in 2022.


Avoid Costly Errors and Downtime

One of the biggest benefits of professional website maintenance is that you can avoid costly errors. Updates to your site can cause unexpected problems—and when in inexperienced hands, those errors can lead to downtime, lost sales, and a damaged reputation. By leaving the updates to experienced professionals, you can minimize or avoid downtime.


Make a Better Impression on Site Visitors

In addition to avoiding costly errors, professional website maintenance services ensure that your website stays up-to-date, functioning properly, and looking great. A well-maintained website can help you attract new customers, increase sales, and boost your online presence. And when you leave it to the professionals, you can rest assured that changes will be done right and on a regular schedule.


Monitor & Maintain All of Your Links

Broken link monitoring can be a lifesaver, especially if you have dozens (or hundreds, or thousands) of pages of content to maintain. Your own internal page links may change, invalidating links in older content. And the URLs of external resources can also change over time, leaving your users with broken links. Broken links are frustrating for end users and make your business look bad. To help in this regard, professional programs can include link monitoring services that continually review your website for invalid and broken links, so they can be fixed right away.


Keep Your Website Secure and Backed Up

A professional web agency also helps keep your website updated with the latest security patches and software updates, and backs up your website on a regular basis. This helps to patch existing software and protect your website from potential attacks and security breaches. Plus, if there ever is a serious problem, your web agency will be notified right away so they can fix the problem or restore your website from the most recent backup, which is stored safely off-site.


Get A Helping Hand When You Need It

Having a go-to professional for website maintenance means you also have a resource you can reach out to any time for content updates, design changes, bug fixes, and any other need that comes along. Whether you need help with design & usability, development knowledge above and beyond your own, or just more time to do the things that you do best for your business, you can often roll these additional services right into your monthly retainer so you never have to worry about them again.


Professional website maintenance services go the extra mile to make sure that your website is updated, secured and backed up on schedule. Plus they can help monitor traffic, broken links, and uptime, and provide all the info you need in an easy-to-read report. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that the experts are at the helm, to ensure that your website continues achieving its full potential.

If you’re interested in learning more about PixelPeople’s website maintenance program and how it could work for your business, schedule a call today. We’d love to hear from you.

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